C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Christmas Cuteness

Just happened to come across this video on YouTube.  Todd and Rob are husbands with movie-star smiles who love spending time in their North Georgia mountain home, and of course they have it decorated to the hilt for Christmas.  Not all of this glitterfest is to your Head Trucker's liking, but then it doesn't have to be.  I'm just glad I have lived to see a time when two men could have a home together and tell the world about it - something unimaginable in the first part of my life.  

Well, see what you think, fellas.  (But jet black ornaments on a Christmas tree??  Shudder.)

Your questions answered here:



Frank said...

It must be nice....

But all the ornaments and decorations actually would give me anxiety. I can cook forever but all that decorating would be a chore and I would have a melt down! Our humble abode is more modest and there's not much in the way of Christmas decor at all. Some lights on the trees outside and no room for a tree inside. But there are hundreds of cookies in containers on the bed in the guest room. Does that count?

Wally, their dog is almost a clone of our beloved Benni. Almost brought tears to my eyes. I felt bad that he was not allowed off leash outdoors, however. Benni loved to run free. We miss him still.

Russ Manley said...

Those boys have a lot more energy than we do. Although M.P. is already working on a big Christmas dinner for the kids and grandkids when they come over this Sunday, as well as making some big changes in the living/dining room to accommodate all our guests. Hope to have some pics to share on the BT when it's all over with.

I understand about missing Benni. I still miss my little Rocky dog after all these years.

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