C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Biden Warns: The Fate of the Nation Is in Your Hands

Speaking at the Columbus Club in Union Station in Washington today, President Biden gave a stern warning of the grave and imminent threat to democratic government in this election:

I believe the voices excusing or calling for violence and intimidation are a distinct minority in America. But they’re loud and they are determined. We have to be more determined. All of us who reject political violence and voter intimidation, and I believe that’s the overwhelming majority of the American people, all of us must unite to make it absolutely clear that violence and intimidation have no place in America.

[We] believe in democracy. That’s who we are as Americans. I know it isn’t easy. Democracy’s imperfect. It always has been. But you’re all called to defend it now. History and common sense tell us that liberty, opportunity, and justice thrive in a democracy, not in an autocracy.

At our best, America’s not a zero-sum society – or for you to succeed, someone else has to fail. A promise in America is big enough, for everyone to succeed. Every generation, opening the door of opportunity just a little bit wider. Every generation, including those who’ve been excluded before. We believe we should leave no one behind, because each one of us is a child of god, and every person, every person is sacred. If that’s true, then every person’s rights must be sacred as well. Individual dignity, individual worth, individual determination. That’s America, that’s democracy, and that’s what we have to defend. . . .

Too many people have sacrificed too much for too many years for us to walk away from the American project and democracy. Because we’ve endured our freedoms for so long, it’s easy to think they’ll always be with us no matter what. But that isn’t true today. In our bones, we know democracy is at risk. But we also know this: it’s within our power, each and every one of us, to preserve our democracy. And I believe we will. I think I know this country. I know we will.

You have the power, it’s your choice, it’s your decision, the fate of the nation, the fate of the soul of America lies where it always does – with the people, in your hands, in your heart, in your ballot. My fellow Americans, we’ll meet this moment. We just need to remember who we are. We are the United States of America. There’s nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together.
Read the full text of the President's remarks here

My truckbuddy Frank has other pertinent thoughts on the election over at Reluctant Rebel.



Frank said...

The Dems (and I mean the Party leadership and candidates) need to learn how to be more aggressive in rebutting the republican lies and innuendo. I am dismayed by the lack of attention to other issues beyond abortion and "saving democracy". What about some rebuttal on the economy - the fact that it is a global economy and not the fault of any one president. And the huge list of democratic accomplishments by the present administration? The republicans have always made their arguments "sound" convincing. Why are the democrats always on the defensive? I do hope it all works out in spite of this.

Russ Manley said...

Um, you mean like a Democratic agenda? Is there such a thing? Wow, what a concept. But I haven't heard of one. And I doubt the rest of the country has, either. You are so right - the Dems seem way too fucking laid-back, while the uglies are armed and dangerous.

Not good for the future of democracy in America.

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