C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

"A Tiger in a Petting Zoo": What's the Endgame?

The naked truth is plain to see.

I can't keep up with all the news, and you fellas don't expect me to.  So here's just a few items worth noting.  But first, the legit weather report from the Washington Post, off my Google newsfeed:

Senators Schumer and Warren sound the alarm about that overgrown juvenile delinquent and his geek squad who now have their grubby fingers in all your government records and on your bank account:


And because they know all about you, they could tailor your Social Security check as they please - or withhold it for "undersirable" behavior. Does your retired Aunt Sadie, so upset about the price of eggs, know about this? What about disabled, gun-loving Cousin Clem in his red cap? Whenever the news finally trickles down to them and their pocketbooks, I hope they choke on it. 

Senator Adam Schiff tells it plainly: "this is a corrupt scheme to turn this country into one-man rule, and enrich Donald Trump and his wealthy friends like Elon Musk."

And now, not content with scooping up Canada, Greenland, and Panama - a costly invasion is not necessary; economic terror is enough to bring them all into submission - the Very Stable Genius wants to take over Gaza and rebuild it as "the Riviera of the Middle East" - after expelling the 2 million people who live there:


And here's a headline from Canada, which just got played like a hockey puck over tariffs, where all those nice, polite, friendly folks are trying to figure out the game plan:


Now you can watch the video if you like; suave Andy Chang has some very good charts and facts to show the big picture, but he misses the really big picture.  So your Head Trucker is going to cut to the chase here.


Why am I the only one who sees this?

Canada, stop trying to find a logical reason for the tariffs; there is none. If it's not one issue, the Orange One will make up another.  Any hammer will do to beat you into submission while he takes all your valuables.

People, it's all right out of Hitler's playbook:  Border problems.  Fake outrage about neighboring countries.  Scare tactics.  A police state.  Removal of civil servants and political opponents.  Demonizing one section or another of the citizenry.  A constant barrage of lies from state mouthpieces.  Scrubbing away facts from books and schools.  Keeping other states in perpetual fear of what might happen next.  Lebensraum - i. e., fake justification for seizing foreign territory.  Redrawing the map, renaming things.  Deportations.  Concentration camps.  And there is more yet to come!  It's only just begun . . . 

And fellas, cut the crap about "Oh my, we still have 1400+ days to go before his term ends."  HIS TERM WILL NEVER FUCKING END.  If good ol' Joe Biden had to be prised out of the Oval Office with a crowbar, do you really think Tyrant Trump will just quietly walk away from the power and glory?


There now, I've said it.  You have been warned.  What to do about it, I don't know.  You'll have to figure that out for yourself.



Frank said...

I was aware of the water release fiasco in California but it did not get much coverage in the Main Stream Media. What a total idiot he is. As for Gaza, what arrogance and lack of awareness of the irony. The head of Israel is standing there, apparently in agreement! Kushner probably can't wait to build resorts on the Mediterranean. I found the CBC report interesting and certainly logical on one level of reality - perhaps not the entire reality.
And I agree with you 100% about the Hitler playbook. What I do find a bit puzzling is the "Triumvirate" of Donald, Elon Musk and the Heritage Foundation/Project 2025 . On face value they are all on the same page, FOR NOW, but do they not ultimately have their own agendas? And if we could return to a more perfect world, Musk would be arrested and imprisoned for life, in a cell next to Trump. Yesterday I went through all the headlines on JMG for two weeks and it is just mind-boggling.
In addition to the destruction of democracy by this tyrant I am most concerned about the fact that there seems to be NO ACTION, nor a PLAN TO ACT to stop this Coup d'Etat.
I can only take small comfort in the words of my grandmother, "You don't know nothing yet!"

Russ Manley said...

Yes, the triumvirate have different agendas - politics makes strange bedfellows. Each is using the others to advance his own purposes. Somewhere down the road, there will be a blow-up, and it won't be pretty.

It's all stupidity. I may have to take a few days' break from it. Too bad we don't have many real reporters left on the MSM to really grill the pols and dig out the truth. Remember Sam Donaldson? Could be a pain in the ass, but was never afraid to ask the right questions.

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