My truckbuddy Frank and his hubby Leon have been enjoying a sentimental journey back to their old stamping grounds in Provincetown on Cape Cod - which put me in mind of this sentimental favorite from the Bee Gees in 2001. While you listen, go check out Frank's great pics of their sojourn on Reluctant Rebel.
Note: the song ends at about 2:30; the rest is just chatter.
No Crystal Ball...but...
2 weeks ago
You are a sweetheart!
We are currently just west of Little Rock, Arkansas headed home. Will pass through the Texas panhandle...unfortunately a little too far a field to stop and say howdy.
Frank & Leon
Just added a few more photos of our time in Connecticut (too bad there's no song for that)
A great sound.
Glad you liked, guys. Frank, I'm glad you didn't ask me to play the Connecticut state song - Yankee Doodle. Have a safe trip home.
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