C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Introducing Phood Filosophie

Say fellas, go check out the new blog by my best friend, M. P., called phood filosophie.  I've also added a link to it in the sidebar under "Truckbuddies Blogs" for future reference.

M.P., the other half of the Pork Boys, is a wonderful self-taught cook who understands the intimate connection between the garden, the kitchen, and the table, and wants to share what he knows with the world. As he puts it:
In each season, I can elaborate on how traditions for foods start and give ideas on how folks can appreciate the season's foods with some recipes.

I can also write on where to find various foods, growing your own herbs and veggies, and harvesting, drying, and canning.

I have a lot of plans. This is to be my retirement teaching tool, also with stories, spirituality, traditions, amusements, my own philosophies and table settings and presentations.

There is so much out there about all this, but I'm gonna do it anyway, if nothing more than to share what i know . . . which will be more comprehensive than any one blog I've seen yet. Most are just recipes or how to cook certain dishes explained out.
Your Head Trucker can testify that he really knows his stuff - and his cooking is larrupping good, I tell you what. Longtime readers of the Blue Truck will recall the many amazing holiday feasts M.P. has prepared that I've documented here with photos and descriptions; see our last Thanksgiving feast, for example.

Now with his new blog, you'll be able to try some of his recipes yourselves, and expand your culinary horizons. I think his concept of the Wheel of the Year, connecting different foods with the seasons and the holidays is just fascinating, to give one example.  I never realized or even thought about any of that, growing up in an age of canned goods, frozen foods, and supermarkets, but I wish I had.

Anyway, check it out and see what you think. Tell him Russ sent ya.


Frank said...

Will check out Phood Filosophie. Always enjoy reading about food and cooking and eating too.

Muskox said...

I can tell that your friend was raised in the Southern tradition, like my stepmother: don't spare the butter, and everything is better with bacon. I love the food, but I can't eat it often or I'd turn into a blimp.

David said...

Hi Russ!

I'll definitely check this out. We've got a working kitchen again so I've been making up for lost time.

Russ Manley said...

Frank - I've pointed M.P. to a number of your recipes. You two would be a great team stirring things up in the kitchen.

Muskox - You got that right, everything's better with bacon, oh hell yeah!

Davis - Howdy stranger, is the home renovation done now? You ought to get some great menu ideas from M.P.'s blog, I can testify that he's a fabulous cook.

Mike, Studio City said...

I love to cook. Nice too have you back .

Russ Manley said...

Thanks Mike, appreciate ya.

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