After two weeks of constant internet trouble, the problem seems to have been fixed by a hunky bearish type whom the phone company sent to my house yesterday. Unfortunately, he was straight as a board, but he did seem to know what he was doing; so maybe this fix will last, though I'm keeping my fingers crossed against another lapse of connection.
Meanwhile, here's an It Gets Better video made by Canada's finest. Enjoy.
No Crystal Ball...but...
2 weeks ago
What? No photos of Hunky Bear?
"Oh, thanks for fixing my phone line - before you go, would you mind my taking a couple of pics of you? Yes, stand just like that . . . could you unbutton that shirt, please? Yeah, the chest hair looks great, how about one more button? Thanks - hold still now. I have this blog, and my readers will definitely want to see what you look like. . . ."
Sorry Frank - I clean forgot to get a snap! How silly of me.
It might be cold in Canada, but they've got warm hearts. :)
Just a poor attempt at levity...
No Dudley Do-Rights there. Good on the Mounties.
Frank - it's not a bad idea. Someone with more technical expertise than me could set up a hidden camera I suppose, with all the gadgetry now available. But usually all I get for repairmen is beer-belly Bubba, you know?
Mimi - yes I thought it was a nice gesture, and again makes the point that we are indeed everywhere, in every walk of life - the guy or gal next door, not the rambling monsters the religious fanatics always paint us as.
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