In the history of the world, if we stand together and oppose right-wing efforts to divide us up by our race, by our religion, our sexual orientation, or where we were born -- if we stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.Bottom line, let us go forward and fight for a government and an economy that works for all, not just a few.We simply do not have the luxury of moaning and groaning. We have got to stand up and fight back.We can do it. Let's go forward together.
Your Head Trucker is not a socialist; but I'd damn sure rather see Bernie remake our country than Jackass Genius & the Wrecking Crew. I agree with everything Bernie says here. God bless him.
P. S. -- While I'm on the subject, I think it's obscene that 3 men have nore wealth than half the population of the United States. NOBODY SHOULD BE THAT RICH OR THAT POWERFUL. There's a limit to everything earthly, including capitalism.
Just getting to this today...Yeah, Bernie! I don't know how he has stayed so steadfast all these years. I give him a lot of credit. I think the label "socialist" has blinded people to his message. I really see him as a humanist, a progressive, a humanitarian. Too bad he doesn't have a younger protégée. As for action plans, they seem rather weak and ineffective. Are there a few sane republicans in the House or Senate? We may certainly need their help to stop the Coup.
I like Bernie, and I too admire his bulldog never-give-up spirit. I would have said the hell with it long ago.
I don't like isms of any kind. But a good idea is a good idea. Social Security is one. Medicare for All would be another - if it wasn't a scam to enrich the insurance companies as the current Medicare is. But that's another blog post for another day.
As for stopping the coup, that happened on Nov. 5th, fair and square. It would be like shutting the barn door after the horses got out. There is no action plan, only sputterings and fumings. Problem is, the Dems have no leader now. Shumer, Warren, Shiff, Jeffries, et al., are all good people saying the right things - but there is no charismatic LEADER on the left to rouse people up and point the way forward. So we are sheep without a shepherd at this point.
And it's only just begun. With the very few "sane republicans" we might win a vote or two on some issue. But suppose the Big Orange just ignores it? Or padlocks the Capitol? or or or or . . . . He isn't going to be stopped by any silly little LAW - he'll just laugh and veto it. Or expel all the Democrats from Congress, as Hitler did the Socialists in 1933.
I can't see a way out of this nightmare. From now on, *nothing in our government* works the way it used to. We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto.
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