C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Michael Fanone: "I Have Been Betrayed by My Country"

In the wake of Trump's pardon of more than 1500 J6 rioters, Anderson Cooper spoke tonight with Michael Fanone, the D.C. police officer who was savagely beaten and nearly killed during the attack on the Capitol.

"This is what we have become as a nation," Fanone said.  "We are self-centered, we are violent, and we are indifferent to the suffering of our neighbors."

I'm sorry I have lived this long, to see the filthy degradation of my country.  And the long, dark night has only just begun.


Frank said...

And the release of all the insurrectionists was apparently on an impulse, a whim, a fit of impatience. This is how seriously he is going to run things. A clear and present DANGER.
Axios reports: (from Joe.My.God.)

President Trump’s sweeping pardons for 1,500 Jan. 6 criminals and defendants were a last-minute, rip-the-bandage-off decision to try to move past the issue quickly, White House advisers familiar with the Trump team’s discussions tell Axios. Trump’s move to “go big” on the pardons sheds light on his unpredictable decision-making process, and shows his determination to fulfill a campaign promise to his MAGA base — regardless of political fallout.

Trump vacillated during an internal debate over targeted clemency vs. a blanket decision according to two insiders. But as Trump’s team wrestled with the issue, and planned a shock-and-awe batch of executive orders Day 1, “Trump just said: ‘F -k it: Release ’em all,'” an adviser familiar with the discussions said. Trump’s decision was a surprise to some Republicans in Congress, who grimaced at the new president condoning violence against police officers.

Russ Manley said...

Well may they grimace at the work of their own hands. I see a long banquet of bitter remorse being spread before them. I hope they are forced to eat and swallow until it chokes them!

Of course the Baby-in-Chief acts on impluse. What else did they expect when they crowned him our newborn king? They knew exactly who and what he was when they led him to the throne - now cry, kiddies, cry!

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