Some photos of our Easter feast, along with scenes from M. P.'s garden - click photos to enlarge:
A simple white table with flowers and Easter eggs |
Easter egg tree |
Electric fireplace decorated with paper flowers |
Appetizer: colored deviled eggs |
Soup: chicken and potato |
Entree no. 1: boneless chicken thighs stuffed with dressing, in a cream sauce |
Entree no. 2: Baked ham with orange sauce |
Pineapple casserole (left) and creamed corn; not pictured is a pot of boiled kale |
Potato salad with radish roses |
A full plate with a "bunny roll" at right |
M. P. made a garden this year, the first in a long while. Here is how it looked on the first of April, just before a heavy rain that night:
Front view: It took M.P. several weekends to get all this dug up, composted, enclosed, and planted with 20 or so varieties of vegetables. At the rear, the new compost enclosure he built. |
New stepping stones, using found tiles |
Closeup of two varieties of tomato plants, showing M.P.'s markers made out of wooden skewers and cut-outs from a milk jug. At right his ingenious first example of a plant protector made from a clear soda bottle. |
Rear view, where squash and cucucumbers are still hiding below ground |
And here is the view on Easter Sunday, showing marked progress:
Front view showing more plant protectors around the tomato plants |
Rear view with a lively growth of squash and other things |
M.P. also planted several varieties of rosebushes; here are the first two blooming now:
Green Ice miniature roses; as you can see at the top of the bush, they are a pale green when they first blossom. |
Sunset rose: a delicate shade of orange, with a lovely scent. |
The food looks delicious, as usual and the decor festive. But thanks especially for the garden pics...always love to see a nice garden. As a matter of fact I'm heading to the Albuquerque Bio Park and Botanic Garden today. It is warmer there by 5-10 degrees...Here in our area of New Mexico it is a bit too early to do much planting...even though the days are in the 70's and 80's, the nights can get cold, possible frost until May 1st.
I'm reckoning you're still full from that meal!
Frank - Hope you enjoyed your visit to the botanical garden. It's lovely spring weather here, sunny and breezy with occasional rain, high around 80 every day.
Davis - We couldn't finish our plates! But we have beaucoup delicious leftovers which will hold us for a week or maybe two.
Hi Russ, what a wonderful set of photos from your Easter Feast, some of the clearest and most colourful yet. I’m still salivating, and the bunny roll, how could anyone eat that, it’s so cute! And then your garden, more secrets revealed. M.P. really is a clever old stick. Come the POTUS inspired Apocalypse, you two will not go short of your "five a day’ ration of vegetables at least! 'Dig for Victory’ was the wartime cry I believe, Winston would approve. Keep up the good work, Pip, Pip!
We do our bit! Even down to saving the kitchen scraps for compost. If the world goes to pieces, we shall keep calm and carry on - er, at least that's the plan here.
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