C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Kinzinger Endorses Biden

Adam Kinzinger is a true patriot and a real man.  I admire him.



Frank said...

First, I don't understand why there are not more reasonable, decent republicans/conservatives who recognize the real threat to democracy that DJT and his party/cult represents. Actually it goes beyond not understanding: it is mind boggling. They will all be remembered by historians as enablers and utterly spineless politicians.

Second, I'm not sure how much of an effect Kinzinger will have in changing the minds or hearts of any current DJT supporters. He is essentially "preaching to the choir" like the rest of us. Short of an unforeseen "act of god" I'm pretty sure most voters decisions have been made and set in stone. We are not going to make any impact on cultists.

Unfortunately the media are showing Biden "shuffling" as he walks, emphasizing his age, which is not entirely irrelevant; DJT's lies become "legitimate" issues and given credence by the media without evidence; average voters don't care about "the economy" but only about "inflation" and their personal expenses; the Israeli/Hamas war is a no-win for Biden; the amount of misinformation, disinformation, "alternative facts" and outright lies given viral distribution is a true danger to democracy and this country, perhaps the world. Not to mention the noise level. It is almost an unrecognizable world - did this happen when we were all sleeping?

Russ Manley said...

Almost unrecognizable, yes. And no, we weren't all sleeping, but not everyone was paying attention as the days went by, year after year. You remember the soap opera tag line: "Like sands through the hourglass . . . " Eventually, the sands all run out, like it or not.

But it's been going on a very long time - the sixties were a time when the pace of change accelerated quite noticeably. I was a kid, so I didn't realize everything that was going on. But adults had a sense of it: sometimes in old movies or shows from that era, a character will say, "The world is changing out of all recognition."

I didn't like all the changes, and I was never part of the counter-culture; I just thought in time things would settle down and people would get over all the hoo-rah. And for a time it seemed they did, in the 1980s - but it was a mean, sad time in many ways: Reagan, the Plague, etc.

And then the "gay nineties" finally arrived, and with the election of Clinton/Gore, and the fall of Communism, it seemed a golden era had begun, a joyful rebirth of the whole world. But that thought bubble was quickly punctured. Politics aside, it turned out to be a decade of great sorrow and loss for me, and nearly killed me.

But instead of the world getting better and brighter, it just got sillier and stupider and trashier. And - cutting my diatribe short - it's been getting worse and worse ever since, these 30 years, day by day by day.

At home, away from TV and news and all kinds of mass media, life continues to be pleasant in the little daily ways we 20th-century people have always enjoyed: air-conditioning, running water, birthday cards in the mailbox, telephone calls now and then from far-away old friends, and so forth. There are still good people in the world, still living kindly and decently as they always have.

But those folks, that life, does not appear on TV or the internet (except as a glamorized ad for products or the butt of sophisticated ridicule). The crisis of today - the utter rot at the heart of our government and society, indeed all western societies - is terrifying and astonishing.

But nobody knows what to do about it. And only the extreme fanatics of the left and the right have the balls to do something.

I've spoken out for years on this blog about various things - but of course nobody has listened to my tiny voice. Yet as the last few years have shown, NOBODY knows what to do, how to fix the world - not presidents, premiers, popes, or anybody else.

That's the really astonishing thing I have finally come to realize - the grown-ups have no fucking clue! And WE are now the grown-ups! There's no one older and wiser left for us to turn to, to get us out of this jam. In fact, we are the jam, the whole human race.

God help us all.

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