M.P. and I are 2 down and 2 to go: we had all the kids and kiddos over for Yule Dinner on Sunday the 22nd, and then after we recuperated from that feast, had our own Christmas Dinner on Sunday the 29th - which about did us in. Now we are hoping to have a New Year's dinner tomorrow, and next week a Kings Day dinner if we are able. No pics yet because M.P.'s so-called smart phone is on strike; maybe next week I'll have some photos to blog.
--- ooo 000 ooo ---
The quiet days at the end of the year have always been a time of retreat and reflection for me. This year, it seems the end of an era, not just another year -- for reasons obvious to all my truckbuddies, I'm sure. This is the calm before the storm.
The world has been in a parlous state all my adult life, what with wars and rumors of wars, crisis upon crisis, rebellion here, revolt there, and no end of foolishness among the peoples and leaders of the world. And yet, at some points there has been greater hope for the future than seems apparent just now.
Here at the beginning of my eighth decade, it is poignant to look back at myself at the dawn of manhood, and remember what it felt like, what I thought, what I hoped. How strange to say that I can even show you what I looked like fifty years ago: is that callow fellow really Me?
All grown up and still unkissed: Russ in Jackson Square, New Orleans, 1974
It would have broken my heart to know then the cruel twists and turns that lay ahead in the road of life. But they say that suffering develops faith and character. If nothing else, it certainly turns your hair gray.
Well, leaving out all the boring details, of no interest to anyone but me - and even I'm tired of hearing the story - I have somehow lived through many years of light and shadow, joys and sorrows, to be a very old man. Human life is always a mixed bag - win, lose, or draw, you have to play the hand you are dealt, and do the best you can. Have fun, but don't be a prick. Do your part, don't leave a mess, and mind your own damn business.
That's it. That's the wisdom of the world, in a nutshell. Take it or leave it. There are other, spiritual truths worth knowing as well, but you have to find those on your own.
When I was a kid, I used to think it would be a fine thing one day to be old and wise. Well, in a way it is somewhat satisfying to finally have seen through the world and all its illusions - to see things and people as they really are, not just what you imagine them to be.
But at this late age, it doesn't do you much good. Your body and your finances (unless you are exceptionally lucky) don't allow you to do much with all that wisdom. And nobody wants to hear what an old man has to say. So you just keep it to yourself, mainly.
There are many things I've wanted to say these last few years about recent developments in the world and in this country in particular. But what good would it do? When the herd decides to stampede, you can risk your neck trying to stop them, or you can stay out of the way and just let them run on till they get tired of running. Thank God it's not my job to fix the world. Even He has his hands full with that chore, I suppose.
When you have lived into old age, you can feel the rhythm of time passing: a river always flowing, a cycle of stars always revolving above our heads and the earth rotating under our feet. Empires rise and fall; war alternates with peace; wisdom and folly, love and hate, poverty and plenty, life and death - the wheel keeps on turning, endlessly, regardless of our petty wants here on this little rock in the vast depth of the cosmos.
A rather frightening picture, if we are not in sync with the Love that moves the sun and other stars, as Dante put it. And that Love is closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet - if you are willing to believe.
We can't be sure what 2025 holds in store for us; but no matter what comes or goes, we can each be true to the goodness within us, and do small things with great love. So here's wishing all my truckbuddies health, wealth, and happiness in the New Year and in all the years to come. God bless.
Former President Jimmy Carter died today at his home in Plains, Georgia, at the age of 100. He was a fine man who set a fine example for all other presidents, in or out of office. May God rest his soul.
I had the idea several years ago of a locomotive that would run on diesel and electric power, as the need might arise. Today I find that Amtrak has swiped the idea and is going full blast with it on a bunch of new trains set to debut in the coming year. I don't mind their using the concept if it helps the traveling public -- but I really think I ought to get a little compensation for having thought of it first, don't you? Now where did I put those notes . . . .
Continuing a tradition set by his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, in 1957, His Majesty the King today broadcast a televised Christmas message to his peoples in Britain and the other 65 member states of the Commonwealth of Nations.
Still puzzling over what to get that guy who has everything? Well, here you go. On sale now in L.A. for only 60 grand. Get 'em while they last - and before those tariffs kick in.
Kevin and Ralph get the Cavalcade storefront windows in Croswell, Michigan, all decked out for the holidays with Christmas trees and vintage appliances.
This is the best I can do this week, fellas. I've just lost interest in a lot of things lately. Not much to say, either. The past is much more interesting than the present time; and I can't bear to think about the future.
BTW, I find these kinds of videos more enjoyable by slowing down the playback speed and muting the sound. Just sayin'.
Some time ago, looking up an historical subject, I came across this photograph of a newlywed couple in Czechoslovakia, circa 1935. A nice young couple, neatly dressed, peering into the future. What did the future hold for them, I wonder.
They would have had only a short time to settle into married life before Hitler took over their country and plunged the world into war. Did they have children? Did he go off to war or to forced labor? Did they live to see the liberation of their country, and subsequent domination by Russia? What happened to them, after that short space of peace?
What will happen to all of us now, in America? What would they say to us if they could speak? I wonder . . .
Some encouraging words from Team Blue, down but not out:
What I Say: We all owe a great debt of gratitude to our two standard-bearers, who suddenly took on a massive, gruelling campaign they never expected to run, and did it with grace, good cheer, and unstinting effort all the way down to the finish line. Just to think of the sheer physical effort it took staggers me - a stroll through the grocery store wears me out at this late age - to say nothing of the mental and emotional strain they and their families went through in that whirlwind campaign.
It was a damn hard job, and an uphill battle; but they took up the challenge gladly and fought to win against all odds. That they lost is no reflection whatsoever on their courage and character. As the old hymn goes, which inspired the likes of Harry Truman:
Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone,
Dare to hold a purpose firm,
Dare to make it known.
And I will say this: the idea that Kamala lost because she was a woman, or a black woman, or any other personal characterstic is utterly false: weenie-whiney bullshit. She very nearly did win: the difference in the popular vote was less than 2 percent. In my view, she lost because she wasn't selling what a slim majority of voters wanted. They chose rotgut whiskey instead of bottled water. It's just real simple.
They will have a hell of a hangover, too, when they come to their senses. It's a damn shame that the rest of us will have to suffer along with them.
It is most interesting to study the eye-opening results of the popular vote, as well as the exit polls, broken down by sex, race, religion, education, income, and much more. I encourage all my truckbuddies in this country and abroad to do so before you say another word about the election. Knowledge is power.
Fellas, I just can't bear to blog about the news right now. It's like a hideous nightmare that I can't wake up from. Horrible. Nauseating. So instead of my thoughts, I'll share those of Father David, who gives me and M.P. some helpful inspiration. He hits the nail on the head in this sermonette, and says what I want to say but can't.
Who wouldn't like to take a trip back to 1960? That's the year the Andy Griffith Show premiered, beginning an eight-year visitation in the small town of Mayberry that still delights many hearts. Located in a far corner of the state of make-believe, Mayberry was an old-fashioned place even then, home to many quaint, amusing characters. It was small-town America with the sad and ugly parts left out; a place where good humor, homely virtues, and common decency still ruled. How very far away it seems today.
Your Head Trucker swore off broadcast television thirty years ago, so I never saw this reunion special with Andy and company that was made in 2003. But I'm enjoying it now - maybe you will, too.
The Mayberry Special departs at 7 o'clock on Track 1. I've got my Pullman ticket in hand. Who else wants to go?
Bonus:Marina Coates from Mockingbird Lane Design has done a brilliant job of portraying the Taylor home in 3-D. Check it out:
Now we know that what we greatly feared would happen, will happen: on January 20th, Republicans will control the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. In addition, they already have a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court, which last July declared that a president has "absolute immunity" from prosecution for any crimes he may commit during his term of office.
Once again, I have no words.
But here are some encouraging words I just came across from John Brideveaux down in South Texas, posted last Wednesday:
Father David is a retired Episcopal priest. I just came across some of his short videos made before the election. I think they are still very relevant and inspirational. See what you think.
A couple of Sundays ago, I offered my vision for our country. Today I offer my vision for the world:
From a distance, we all have enough
And no one is in need
And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease
No hungry mouths to feed . . .
There are many mutterings abroad now of "resistance" in some form or fashion; though it does not yet appear exactly what is to be resisted, or where or how.
Your Head Trucker is as dismayed and troubled as anyone else just now; but I am content to trust in the One who said,
My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
The prayer for peace in the sidebar to the right is a good way to start, I think; at any rate, it's all I have to offer.
I think we all need to take a deep breath, relax, be calm, and know that the power of goodness will continue in the world, regardless of the election. Believe.
O God of peace, who hast taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be our strength: By the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee, to thy presence, where we may be still and know that thou art God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Use the ABC-538 interactive election map here. Click to enlarge this screen shot.
The Guardian raises a question that's been in the back of your Head Trucker's mind: how can it be possible that the American public is so evenly divided between supporters Harris and Trump, and the numbers haven't changed for the last 3 months?
Large numbers of surveys would be expected to show a wider variety of opinion, even in a close election, due to the randomness inherent in polling. The absence of such variation suggests that either pollsters are adjusting “weird” margins of 5% or more, Clinton and Lapinski argued – or the following second possibility, which they deemed more likely.
“Some of the tools pollsters are using in 2024 to address the polling problems of 2020, such as weighting by partisanship, past vote or other factors, may be flattening out the differences and reducing the variation in reported poll results,” they write.
Either explanation “raises the possibility that the results of the election could be unexpectedly different than the razor-close narrative the cluster of state polls and the polling averages suggest”, they added.
We can't know whether the polls are accurate until all the results are in. Meanwhile, here are the latest forcasts from ABC/538:
Look how steady their popular vote numbers are - I never recall seeing any poll in any election that looked like this for months at a time.
And here's their probability forecast - more variation but still awfully damn close.
And here's the chart from Wikipedia, which looks very different from the others:
The only vote I'm sure of is the one I cast on Tuesday. The rest is up to you, my fellow Americans.
P. S. - Of course you know, a president can't get much done without majorities of the same party in the House and Senate. Look at how often Congress stonewalled Obama when he was in the White House. But I can't spare the energy to worry about all that just now.
A cold front is sweeping through Texas, bringing us some much-needed rain and cooler temperatures. Your Head Trucker is a bit under the weather today, taking cough syrup, aspirin, and a hot toddy, and may go back to bed and sleep the rest of the afternoon.
I don't feel like posting all that's been said in the political sphere the last couple of days, but the video below gives a quick summary. The thing is, the choice is so clear, the outcome so obvious that only a child or a lunatic could waver between the two candidates. A vote for Trump is a vote for the death of our democracy; anyone who thinks he is just kidding about being a dictator from day one is living in a dream world. This could be the last election you will ever get to vote in.
I can't believe we are back at the same place we were in 2016, but here we are: and the peril is even greater. I'm praying for a big blue wave at the polls to sweep the fascist threat away. God help us all.
Update, 11/2/24:
The New York Times Editorial Board, prohibited by owner Jeff Bezos from printing a presidential endorsement, has instead published this final warning:
The Vice President delivered this speech in Washington, D. C., last night against the backdrop of the floodlit White House, essentially repeating what she has said in every speech of this 100-day campaign. But her remarks last night were very well-written and well-spoken, and this could be considered the definitive version of her appeal to the nation. Rachel Maddow afterward called it a "damn good speech," and so it was, in the best constitutional tradition of our republic.
Fellas, we might wish she had said more about this or that; but the plain truth is she's all we've got, and it's Kamala or the devil. So I'm backing her 100% and I hope you are too. She's a fine person, a good woman, and a true patriot, and thank God for all that. Don't sweat the details; it will all get sorted out as we go along. The alternative is unthinkable.
And today the Morning Joe panel discussed Harris's speech, in contrast to Trump's recent pronouncements:
America in 2024 is very different from Germany in 1933; and what we call fascist today is not quite the same as what fascist meant back then. Still, the broad parallels and present dangers are unmistakable, and this film is highly pertinent to the choice we face in this election.
He who has an ear, let him hear.
In case anyone doesn't get the point, here are some of today's headlines from Joe.My.God.com:
The public may be grumpy, and politicians may be pitching doom and gloom, but it’s once again time for some great news: America is kicking ass! We are, as The Economist proclaimed on its cover this week, “The Envy of the World.”
The stock market just hit another all-time high. The uninsured rate is near an all-time low. Apartment construction hasn’t been this hot in half a century. Crime, inflation and illegal immigration are falling. Economic growth, job growth and wage growth are strong. The U.S. is no longer at war in Iraq, Afghanistan or, at least officially, anywhere else and its carbon emissions are declining, because its clean energy production is soaring. It’s still the richest and greatest nation on Earth, the land of opportunity that spawned the artificial intelligence boom, ultimate fighting, SpaceX and the Hawk Tuah multimedia empire. And our short national nightmare is over, because after 11 months without adorable cuddle-monsters, the National Zoo just took custody of two giant pandas. . . .
And yet, we haven't heard any of this from the Democratic candidates. Why?
Today's election forecast (not based on early voting) from ABC/538 shows a probability of 53-47 in Trump's favor. Click to enlarge.
Today's election news is up and down and criss-cross, like the lines on the chart above.
1. Thirty million Americans have cast early votes in the presidential election. But it seems more have voted red than blue at this time. Republican pollster and political consultant Frank Luntz explains why Kamala isn't reaching the "persuadable voters," and what she should do about that:
[What I Say: Though I'm wary of Luntz's recommendations, given his longtime support for Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, and George W. Bush, your Head Trucker has noticed since the first debate that Kamala has no particular agenda to sell. It's pleasing to the base to hear her call Trump a fascist over and over, but does that win any voters who aren't already Kamala supporters?
And her speeches around the country, what snips and bits I've heard of them, are mainly a rehash of the same rich-aunt talking points from the first debate: she wants to help out with the grocery bills, give diaper money to new parents, and hand a big wad of cash to first-time homebuyers (which nobody ever offered me). Along with nifty catchphrases like "Turn the Page" and "Not Going Back," that's about all I've heard of what she actually plans to DO if elected. She's been way over-cautious about telling us plainly and simply what that is, in my view.
I understand why she can't be the "change" candidate without disparaging Biden. But that's not cutting it. Voters need something to vote FOR, not just against. Think Hillary, or better yet, think Margaret Thatcher. Extraordinary women, clear -- sharp -- determined.
But what do I know. Kamala has to be herself, not a copy of someone else. I don't doubt that she is doing her best right now, and she's fighting for our democracy, so God bless her.]
2. UK newspaper The Guardian, traditional supporter of the Labour Party, sent a reporter to J.D. Vance's hometown in Ohio to find out why Kamala has low support from male voters there:
3. Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Republican who broke with Trump after being fired from the White House, explains what Kamala needs to do now to "close the deal" and win the election:
4. Contrary to all the above, political analysts on the Democratic side see hopeful signs in this week's early voting pattern, despite a flood of Republican-biased polls favoring Trump:
Well, steady on, boys. We have to stay the course till the end, if what we believe in is worth fighting for. No doubt there will be weeks of uncertainty and bickering and lies and maybe violence before we know the outcome of this election for sure. But hang in there. Don't give up the ship! We may find safe harbor yet.
Two things I want to say, briefly. First, in the furor and excitement of the campaign, it's been easy to forget that until late July, Kamala was not a candidate and had no reason to think she ever would run for president again. In 2020, she seemed like a great running mate for Joe Biden, nicely rounding out the ticket: old and young(er), male and female, white and black, east and west, etc. I expected Joe would put her to good use in his administration.
But then once they got into office, we heard less and less of Kamala way down here in the provinces, until finally she just seemed to vanish into the woodwork. In fact, when I heard that Biden had dropped out of the race last July, and started wondering who could replace him as candidate, it was 20 or 30 minutes before I remembered Kamala at all: she has been that invisible for most of his time in office.
All of which is just to say, in recent days it has come to my mind that she must be under a terrific strain, having to jump overnight from a quiet, nearly forgotten role into the heat of a full-fledged campaign. When you consider that, you realize just what a very fine, even astonishing job she is doing. And I just pray the Lord will strengthen and sustain her in that mission, along with Walz and all others who are fighting the good fight now. It's a desperate, historic fight, and uphill all the way. The light of History will gleam upon their helmets, whether they prevail or fall.
The other thing I want to say is, how strange that for weeks we have been hearing about Kamala's slow but steady rise in the national polls; but this week, suddenly it's Trump who is pulling ahead, markedly. And this after some of the most filthy, most outrageous, most reprehensible lies, threats, and calumnies he's ever made. Why is that? Yes, I get the fact that polls are imperfect, subject to all kinds of errors and adjustments, yada yada. But why now, after weeks of being in the (small) lead, is Kamala dropping behind? Very odd.
I guess it is just like a real horse race, where sometimes, for no apparent reason to the untrained eye, as they near the finish line one horse pulls ahead and another can't keep up. Either that, or someone, somewhere is doing some manipulating of a kind I can't even imagine. All I know is, the only thing that will stop Trump from taking over is a massive blue wave at the polls. So let's do our best, fellas, and keep hope alive. It's not over till it's over.
A few stats from the Wall Street Journal, which leans Republican:
P. S. -- Blogger tells me this is my 4600th post on the Blue Truck. No kidding? Hard to believe. That's an average of about 285 posts a year since I started in 2008. I know it's mostly boring stuff, and nothing to brag about, but it gives this old shitkicker something to do.
The presidential horserace is rounding the curve into the final stretch now. For the record, here are some video snapshots of what it's all about. There's no good reason for anyone of sound mind to be confused or unsure of what's at stake now: democracy with all its messes and successes, or a dictatorship of fools, frauds, and fanatics.
The choice is yours, my fellow Americans. But be careful, very careful, what you wish for.
[I sent the above video to M.P. overnight. His reply was, "What a vile vulgar swine of a creature it is." and further unprintable remarks.]
Rachel says it's now or never to claim your place in history:
We are having delicious weather here in Texas, since autumn finally arrived last week. The night temperatures dip down in the 50s, but the days are sunny and warm, with highs in the 70s: lovely.
Time sure is speeding along now; seems like Biden dropped out of the presidential race just the other day, and suddenly here we are in October. Election Day, November 5th, is two weeks from tomorrow. Here in Texas, early voting began today, and we hope to get to the polling place sometime this week. Have you voted yet? The sooner, the better - this is not the time to procrastinate. You never know what might happen between now and Election Day.
I have read that election officers all around the country have strengthened and tightened security procedures this time around. I can tell you that where we live, all the elcction staff and volunteers are remarkably kind and helpful folks, and early voting is a breeze. They seem to have all the latest technology going, though still using paper ballots, as they should. And they are using numbered ballots this year, so you can memorize your ballot number and look it up later to be sure it was counted. An excellent idea. So I feel very confident in our local voting office: real patriots quietly doing a fine job.
As everyone knows, or should, the polling shows a dead heat, a virtual tie, between Harris and Trump. The ABC/538 forecast, which is refreshed daily as new polls come in, actually shows a slight advantage for Trump today:
Click to enlarge.
And here is the interactive election map, which you can play with at the ABC/538 site listed in the top sidebar of this blog:
Click to enlarge.
I haven't tried to blog all the election news here, an impossible task. And there's no point in my obsessing over every he-said, she-said thing. The essential thing is to vote, not talk, not worry, not fuss and fret over all the what-ifs. That does no one any good.
Oddly enough, now that the election is approaching, I don't feel the same drama in the air that I did in the last two presidential elections; is it just me, or does it seem to you like a dull re-run of a show you didn't like the first time you saw it? I do earnestly pray that the Democrats win the White House and both houses of Congress, so I'm going to cast my ballot and keep my fingers crossed. This little reminder to my truckbuddies and drive-by readers is about the limit of what else I can do.
So if you love this country, and want to keep it worth living in, get up off your duff and VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO. And tell your friends and neighbors to do the same. Give them a ride to the polls if they need it. Be patient with the old, the timid, and the dithering. Hope for the best, and remember the sacrifices our forebears have made in the last 250 years to keep this country on the right path.
Coach had this to say about Trump's impromptu dance party the other day:
What I say: This is not the behavior of someone who is eager to win an election. It's more like someone who thinks it's already in the bag, and votes aren't necessary. Just sayin'.
In recent weeks, I've noticed that several blog links in my sidebar have stopped updating, although the actual blogs themselves are continuing as usual. I've tried reloading the links and also clearing my cache, but nothing seems to fix this problem. So I've made a new heading in the sidebar, "Blogs of Note," where I will post the main links to those blogs, starting with the ever-popular Joe.My.God.
If anyone has a clue how to make the old links work again, please let me know in the comments here.
Electoral vote forecast, 10/13/24, from 538/ABC News. Click to enlarge.
Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville, who was Bill Clinton's campaign manager, sounds the alarm on Trump's fascist plans for America - including using the military to round up his political enemies.
Trump declined to be interviewed on 60 Minutes last week, and has told friendly interviewers that he does intend to carry out his threats, as Morning Joe reports:
This report by Medhi Hassan a year ago is still a chilling forecast of the evils to come if Trump wins re-election:
All these reporters and commentors tell us to believe that Trump will do just what he says he will do. It is worth noting that Hitler also spelled out everything he would do in his screed Mein Kampf, published in 1925, eight years before he came to power in Germany. Perhaps a lot of Germans who read it then just laughed it off.
But it's no laughing matter. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, harmony; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that I may seek not so much to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.
and welcome to the Blue Truck, a blog for mature gay men with news and views on gay rights, history, art, humor, and whatever comes to mind. Plus a few hot men. The truck's all washed and gassed up, so hop in buddy, let's go.
CAUTION: For mature gay men only beyond this point. Some posts and links may not be suitable for children or the unco guid. You have been warned.
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My Story
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Churches say that the expression of love in a heterosexual monogamous relationship includes the physical, the touching, embracing, kissing, the genital act - the totality of our love makes each of us grow to become increasingly godlike and compassionate. If this is so for the heterosexual, what earthly reason have we to say that it is not the case with the homosexual?
It is a perversion if you say to me that a person chooses to be homosexual. You must be crazy to choose a way of life that exposes you to a kind of hatred. It's like saying you choose to be black in a race-infected society.
If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God.