A guest post by my truckbuddy Tim from England, now resident in Spain:
Cowboy Up
Chapter 1. Angel?
Detail from Brokeback Mountain special edition by SpyrousSeraphim. My thanks. |
Summary: Chris Redfield is a rancher, plain and simple. Then a mysterious young man turns up, seeking employment. And Chris soon finds himself in unfamiliar territory.
"Yeehaw! Ride him, Uncle Bob!" The dust swirled around the legs of the big black stallion as it bucked and reared, trying to dislodge the unfamiliar weight now on its back. The horse's mouth and nostrils were flecked with foam, its flanks were shiny and streaked with sweat.
He had only been on a minute or so, but to Bob, it already seemed like forever. Of all the horses he'd broken over the years, none had ever felt quite like this one. He could sense the power in every muscle, every sinew of the horse, as it twisted and turned beneath him. And as he tried to counter, then second guess, each and every move, he realised it had become a battle of wills, not just a simple bust.
Chris waved his black Stetson in the air, his brown eyes wide and bright, his heart pounding in his chest. He wished he was in the saddle himself, but that was his uncle's right, as the ranch's owner. One day, perhaps .... And the big stallion was magnificent, Chris had kept his eyes on him from the first time he saw him as a yearling, over two years back, up near the high ridge. He had never asked his uncle that the horse be his. But secretly, he dreamt it would.
Andy clapped a strong hand on Chris' shoulder.
"Boy, ain't that something. Boss has got his hands full today." The foreman gave Chris a friendly, toothy grin. He too, had broken a few broncs in his time, as his missing teeth testified.
"I wish ... I wish ..." started Chris.
"Don't say it, Chris, if you say it, it won't come true, boy."
Suddenly, without warning the big horse wrinkled his spine. He kicked off with his hind legs, and then dug his forelegs into the dirt and dust of the small coral. And Bob Redfield never saw it coming, only the dirt and the dust as they rushed towards him.
The smiles faded from Chris and Andy's faces. They both heard the 'snap' as Bob hit the ground head first. His legs twitched briefly and the rowels on his spurs squeaked as they slowly stopped spinning. Then there was a sickening silence.
"Oh Jesus, no!"
Chris leapt down from the top rail and ran over to the prone figure. Bob's head lay at an odd angle to his shoulders. Chris knew he was dead, even before he gently rolled his uncle's body over.
"Easy, Chris!"
Andy knelt down beside him as Chris closed his uncle's eyes. The big horse stood still in a corner of the coral, looking at them balefully.
"Sonofabitch!" Andy went for his gun, but Chris stopped him.
"Let him loose Andy, just get him out of my sight."
It was Chris Redfield's first order as the new owner of the Lazy-R ranch.
Continued after the jump . . .