A guest post by my truckbuddy Tim from England, now resident in Spain:
The Tale of the Two Lifeguards
Chapter Three.
In which there are new endings and old beginnings,
and we bid farewell to our friends . . .
Image by my good friend hi-host here on tumblr. Thanks Lenny. |
Unaware of the drama playing out at the little wooden pier, Old José and his wife, Anita, locked up their cafe for the day. They locked all the doors, front, back and sides. They pulled all the shutters shut and closed all the windows, side by side, front and back too. And when they had finished, Anita took up the lantern whilst José switched of all the electric lights. Then they opened the secret trapdoor and descended the stone stairs, locking the trapdoor securely behind them.
The stairs twisted around and down. Soon they could feel the heat, rising warm air condensed into sparkling drops of dew on the cold stone walls as they descended yet further. A blue glow began to strengthen and light their way, then Anita blew out the lantern, for there was no need of it any more. The warm water before them glowed with its own magical light, now blue, now green. Wisps of steam danced and chased one another over the water's surface, for they were magic too.
Anita took José's gnarled hand in hers and together they walked down the last steps that led into the glittering water. And as their bodies submerged, and the wisps of steam clung to their bodies, so their legs glowed blue and green, just like the water, and then they turned into fish’s tails.
"Has he chosen yet?" asked José.
"No, not quite yet . . ." Anita replied, ". . . but Piers is staying on the island again tonight. It won't be long now."
"Then our time is over?"
"Soon, my dear, soon . . ."
Continued after the jump . . .