We save the cheery red damask for our Christmas table each year. |
When M.P. gives me the word to go light the candles, dinner is nearly ready! |
Last Sunday, M.P.'s children and spouses and grandchildren all came over for the big Yule dinner, which M.P. worked like a Trojan for three days preparing, whilst also finishing wrapping a multitude of presents - especially for the little ones - as well as doing a whirlwind housecleaning operation. I did my bit too, mainly taking care of the laundry and the dishwashing, the latter being an especially large item when M.P. is cooking up a feast.
Alas, our little bungalow was crowded to the rafters and we had no opportunity to take pictures of the plentiful food - I'm not sure I can even remember what all we had, except that the star of the show was a delicious big ham that M.P. smoked and cured himself, starting a couple of months ago. Oh, and a deviled Beef Wellington, his own invention, that went down very well. The day was cold but sunny and bright, the fellows brought plenty of beer and wine, the kiddos were adorable and well-behaved, and everyone was convivial, so the evening was a success. Then we collapsed into our beds and slept very soundly indeed for all of the night and most of the next day.
What with such a large family and all of the other in-laws to consider, M.P. and his brood struggle mightily with logistics in order to come up with a day when everyone can gather at dear old dad's house, whilst on Christmas Day they go to their mother's, or to some other in-law's house. Our custom is to have our own Christmas dinner
a deux on the day itself - or whenever we feel up to it, which was not until Thursday the 26th. And here are some pics of our simple fare.
Lovely big fried oysters from the local Cajun restaurant were the happy surprise M.P. sprang on me for an appetizer. So eager was I to show my appreciation that we didn't stop to take a picture until they were nearly all eaten. |
Homemade, deep-fried boudin balls are another favorite appetizer we enjoyed. |
Canard Roti with an orange glaze - though not strictly speaking duck a l'orange, as M.P. made some additions to it that are too mysterious to explain. Mighty fine eating, though, and roasted low and slow so that it was practically falling apart when taken out of the oven, perfectly tender, juicy, and delicious. The Cajun rice stuffing was delightful, too. |
Orange gravy to go over the duck. Finger-lickin' good. I tell you what. |
Braised mushrooms in a red wine sauce. That's all you need to know. |
New potatoes in a thick cream sauce. |
Good old lima beans are good with anything, anytime, anywhere. Just ask any Southern boy. Seasoned with bacon, of course. |
Hot homemade clover-leaf rolls, liberally brushed with butter, were something to exclaim over - especially when we burned our fingers trying to pick them up out of a hot muffin pan! |
Candlelight and White Zin completed our Xmas menu. |
Oh but I mustn't forget the
piece de resistance:
M.P.'s luxurious and original creation: a Hot Cocoa Cake - a three-layer delight, frosted with cream icing and melted marshmallows. Talk about good! Oh my. |
But the odd thing about it is, it keeps disappearing! I am therefore keeping a close guard on it, armed with fork in hand. |
This year, we made a wonderful discovery. Drop whatever you're doing and run down to Winco right now and get you some of this luscious coffee, which tastes just as good as it smells. You can thank me later. |
Our centerpiece is topped with a lovely glass-and gilt star that M.P. found in the trash at work one day, years ago. Sometimes we use it atop the Christmas tree, but it works nicely on the festive table too, as you can see, thanks to M.P.'s artistry. |
And so with quiet contentment and good cheer, and plenty of good things to eat and drink, we have had a blessed Christmas this year. I hope all of my truckbuddies did too.
All the great food groups included. You boys eat right...
But of course. Just as our mamas taught us.
i ain't a Southern Boy, But I agree whole, heartedly about Lima beans!. Your Holiday meal posts make me so effing hungry! Hapy New Year. Peace, Love and Happiness to you.
Same to you, Steven. Glad you like the posts.
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