It is astonishing to think that Eva Cassidy's exquisite voice was barely recognized while she was alive. Though she lived and died a relative unknown, I believe her talent must be accounted one of the greats of the twentieth century. Her genius is this: to take an old, familiar song and make it sound not merely fresh, but utterly new, to which one listens avidly as if hearing it for the very first time.
No Crystal Ball...but...
2 weeks ago
What a lovely song to usher in the changing of the seasons. I went for a long walk this morning, and there was a definite chill in the air and the leaves are beginning their turn to color. Fall is my favorite season.
After a week of continual rain and temps in the 40s, we've been revived by two lovely days of sunshine and blue skies with temps in the 70s here.
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