Well, fellas, another year has rolled by, much too quickly it seems, and here we are at the gate of 2019 already. What my grandmother told me is true: the older you get, the quicker the years go by. It is a curious fact that Time moves too slow for leaping youth, too fast for tottering age.
I'm glad to report that 2018 was, all things considered, a pretty happy year for us. The weather was milder than usual, finances were a bit easier, and M.P. recovered fairly rapidly from his operation last January. Of course his first thought was to get back into the kitchen, so we have had many and various toothsome feasts since then: a lot to be thankful for.
The world is in a frightful state - but then, isn't it always? When I started this blog ten years ago, I thought it a great opportunity to set the world straight on all sorts of matters; but alas, I'm sorry to report that all my best typing has done no good, and the world continues roaring down its heedless path, ignoring all good counsel, even from wiser heads than mine. The Golden Rule, the Golden Mean, good sense, and good humor are all a drug on the market in this present age, it seems.
The leafless branches outside my window testify that the eternal cycle of growth, maturity, and decay continues on and on, as much for civilizations as for individuals; yet somehow, even in the darkest periods, the human race always finds a way to continue on, for better or worse, through successive tides of change. Since I have no posterity to worry about, I suppose there is no point fretting over things I cannot change. Hence, I blog less and rant less. Why waste my breath?
But I am gratified now and then to discover that goodness and kindness still exist, side by side with wickedness and cruelty: pinpoints of light in a dark night. At any rate, much as I deplore the many awful things that happen in this frenzied, frantic, foolish age, I am too old, tired, and poor to do anything about them. So I just do the little good I can do for those nearest me, and leave the rest to the mercy of Providence.
As someone once said, in the midst of a world of sorrow and absurdity, we must each cultivate our own garden, and be content with that. Like the flowers, fruits, and leaves, we all of us have our day in the sun, and then we are no more; but others will take our place. The cycle of Time rolls on unperturbed in its steady course, with or without our consent, and no doubt that is as it should be. The flowers do not understand why they should fade, nor the leaves why they should wither; but fade and wither they must, as night follows day and winter follows summer. The whys and the wherefores are not given us to comprehend in this world; instead, the spark of life is given us for only a day in the grand scheme of things, to make of it what we will. We must therefore enjoy what we have while we have it, without squelching someone else's chance at happiness. It takes many flowers to make a lovely garden.
So here's wishing my truckbuddies, all and singular, a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Drinks are on the house!
Or feel free to BYOB: