C I V I L    M A R R I A G E    I S    A    C I V I L    R I G H T.

A N D N O W I T ' S T H E L A W O F T H E L A N D.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Waitin' for the Weekend: Greeks Come True

If statues came to life . . .  


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Snow Day at the Zoo

Filmed last week at the Cincinnati Zoo:


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sunday Drive: Snow Days in Texas

Cold enough for you?

We had a big, beautiful snowfall all day Thursday here, about 4 inches, that covered everything and brought the DFW Metroplex to a screeching halt.  The temps got up to 50 on Saturday, but there's still some snow on the ground, though the streets are dry.  

Don't have any pics to show you guys, because M.P.'s teleophone is still on the blink.  So just for fun, I dug up this old video I posted on February 11, 2010 - 15 years ago. Wow, where does the time go?


Interesting to see and hear myself after so many years.  Like looking at someone else, almost. 
O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!


Saturday, January 11, 2025

Waitin' for the Weekend

Helpful tips for getting the body you want.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

"Character, character, character": State Funeral of Jimmy Carter

A funeral service was held at Washington National Cathedral this morning for former President Jimmy Carter, attended by President and Mrs. Biden as well as all living ex-presdients.  The eulogies given for Mr. Carter were a striking lesson in how to live a good man's life, for anyone who had an ear to hear. 

Good-looking Jason Carter, chairman of the Carter Center in Atlanta, spoke with fondness and deep appreciation for his grandfather:


Former Atlanta mayor and United Nations ambassador Andrew Young warmly praised the former president's work for civil rights:


President Biden spoke of the shining exanple of Mr. Carter's character, in and out of the Oval Office:

No one could witness this scene and listen to the tributes paid to Mr. Carter without being deeply impressed and clearly shown what a true patriot is. No one but a fool or a criminal.


P. S. -- It's cold AF down here in Texas, and we've been covered with snow since early morning:

Fortunately, we got our necessities stockpiled before Jack Frost arrived, so we're styaing in and staying warm.


Monday, January 6, 2025

Kamala Harris Certifies Election

In keeping with her duty as Vice President, Kamala Harris today presided over the certification of the electoral votes for President, thus ensuring the peaceful transition of power that has been a hallmark of our republic since 1789 -- with just one exception, four years ago today.

Why that exception did not result in a swift and decisive prosecution for the guilty parties is more than your Head Trucker can understand.


Future historians will marvel at how quietly we handed our democracy over to destruction, in faithful obedience to the Constitution and the laws. God help us all. 


Friday, January 3, 2025

Waitin' for the Weekend

Get your new year off to a great start with Butch.  Definitely my kind of guy.

See more of Butch here (NSFW).


Bernie Warns: They're Buying Our Government

Senator Bernie Sanders decries the oligarchic takeover of America.  BTW, "oligarchy" simply means rule by the [rich] few, which is very different from democracy, or rule by the people.

We have been here before. as this 1889 political cartoon shows.


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year 2025

M.P. and I are 2 down and 2 to go:  we had all the kids and kiddos over for Yule Dinner on Sunday the 22nd, and then after we recuperated from that feast, had our own Christmas Dinner on Sunday the 29th - which about did us in.  Now we are hoping to have a New Year's dinner tomorrow, and next week a Kings Day dinner if we are able.  No pics yet because M.P.'s so-called smart phone is on strike; maybe next week I'll have some photos to blog.

---  ooo  000  ooo  ---

The quiet days at the end of the year have always been a time of retreat and reflection for me.  This year, it seems the end of an era, not just another year -- for reasons obvious to all my truckbuddies, I'm sure.  This is the calm before the storm.

The world has been in a parlous state all my adult life, what with wars and rumors of wars, crisis upon crisis, rebellion here, revolt there, and no end of foolishness among the peoples and leaders of the world.  And yet, at some points there has been greater hope for the future than seems apparent just now.

Here at the beginning of my eighth decade, it is poignant to look back at myself at the dawn of manhood, and remember what it felt like, what I thought, what I hoped.  How strange to say that I can even show you what I looked like fifty years ago:  is that callow fellow really Me?

All grown up and still unkissed:  Russ in Jackson Square, New Orleans, 1974

It would have broken my heart to know then the cruel twists and turns that lay ahead in the road of life.  But they say that suffering develops faith and character.  If nothing else, it certainly turns your hair gray.

Well, leaving out all the boring details, of no interest to anyone but me - and even I'm tired of hearing the story - I have somehow lived through many years of light and shadow, joys and sorrows, to be a very old man.  Human life is always a mixed bag - win, lose, or draw, you have to play the hand you are dealt, and do the best you can.  Have fun, but don't be a prick.  Do your part, don't leave a mess, and mind your own damn business.

That's it.  That's the wisdom of the world, in a nutshell.  Take it or leave it.  There are other, spiritual truths worth knowing as well, but you have to find those on your own.

When I was a kid, I used to think it would be a fine thing one day to be old and wise.  Well, in a way it is somewhat satisfying to finally have seen through the world and all its illusions - to see things and people as they really are, not just what you imagine them to be.  

But at this late age, it doesn't do you much good.  Your body and your finances (unless you are exceptionally lucky) don't allow you to do much with all that wisdom.  And nobody wants to hear what an old man has to say.  So you just keep it to yourself, mainly.  

There are many things I've wanted to say these last few years about recent developments in the world and in this country in particular.  But what good would it do?  When the herd decides to stampede, you can risk your neck trying to stop them, or you can stay out of the way and just let them run on till they get tired of running.  Thank God it's not my job to fix the world.  Even He has his hands full with that chore, I suppose.

When you have lived into old age, you can feel the rhythm of time passing:  a river always flowing, a cycle of stars always revolving above our heads and the earth rotating under our feet.  Empires rise and fall; war alternates with peace; wisdom and folly, love and hate, poverty and plenty, life and death - the wheel keeps on turning, endlessly, regardless of our petty wants here on this little rock in the vast depth of the cosmos.  

A rather frightening picture, if we are not in sync with the Love that moves the sun and other stars, as Dante put it.  And that Love is closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet - if you are willing to believe.  

We can't be sure what 2025 holds in store for us; but no matter what comes or goes, we can each be true to the goodness within us, and do small things with great love.  So here's wishing all my truckbuddies health, wealth, and happiness in the New Year and in all the years to come.  God bless.


Monday, December 30, 2024

Parade of the Wooden Soldiers

I like a man who knows how to handle his gun.  The U. S. Army Drill Team demonstrates.


Sunday, December 29, 2024

In Memoriam: President Jimmy Carter, 1924-2024

Prezident Spojených štátov amerických od roku 1977 do 1981
Official portrait, 1977
Former President Jimmy Carter died today at his home in Plains, Georgia, at the age of 100.  He was a fine man who set a fine example for all other presidents, in or out of office.  May God rest his soul.
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